I had the opportunity last week to read a book entitled A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller, one of my favorite authors. It's a book about story and what "story" actually means. This book has changed me. I wouldn't say it has changed my life, but it has definetely made me think differently about it. Hmmmm....maybe it has changed my life then. =) Ever read something that feels that it was written just for you? And almost every chapter is like....BAM!!!! It hits you in your face and then the next chapter.....BAM!!! Well, that's what this book did to me. It hit me square in the face. Donald Miller writes and talks about his story, which in essence, is his life, and tells how it is boring, and how each day was nothing to remember, because well, there was nothing exciting going on in it. He was "living life" but he wasn't "loving it." And wow, how I could relate to that. Sure, I have had wonderful moments in my life, but it just never seems to be enough. Ever feel that way?? I know I do. Almost every day. God doesn't want us to have a "boring, dull story" a.k.a. life. Can you imagine having Christ as the center of your life and from there, being able to experience things in life that are beautiful? Ahhh, that makes my heart tingle. But unfortunately, a little emotion takes over in a lot of lives called fear.....Donald Miller states, "Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life." And I am preaching to the choir. We humans are always saying..I just can't...I just can't'.....I just can't......but, HE IS ABLE. Did you hear that? HE IS ABLE...We limit ourselves to live a mediocre life because fear is prevelant in our everyday lives. But, the beauty of it is, we can change it!!! I want to encourage who ever reads this to make your story beautiful. Take that step, that leap of faith, and make your story one that you want to live. God wants us to live beautiful stories and we've taken advantage of that fact, myself included. Go look at a sunset tonight. Go for a bike ride tomorrow. Meet up with a friend for coffee. Write a letter to someone you love. Donate one day to a homeless shelter. Dance around in your room in your underwear. =) And lastly, go make a beautiful story.